Vinessa Antoine returns as Nicole, who many of you will recognize as one of Lou's friends from New York. Nicole returns to visit, and it turns out her arrival is most timely.
Mallory is still a little miffed at Lou for not allowing her to manage Maggie's, and she decides to show Lou what she is capable of. As usual, Jake is there to offer some sage advice.
Jack is starting to realize those sheep he so dislikes could indeed be worth something, but they certainly get in the way of Amy's efforts to wean a foal away from its mother. Wait until you see the foal! I had to buy a new cute meter because the glass broke on my old one when the foal first appeared. :D
Georgie is starting to feel more like a part of the family, yet it's her younger sister Katie who is responsible for this Sunday's episode's title, when she does something at Maggie's that no one could have seen coming.